Record of Remembrance

The Museum ”Niugini Haus” will keep the memory of all those alive, who have sympathized and contributed to the cause of Mission among the people of Papua New Guinea. Thereforethe contributions for the proposed Museum can be donated in grateful memory of those persons, whose lives have significantly been associated with the history of the Church in Papua New Guinea. An entry into the “Record of Remembrance” is possible with a donation of 100 Euro and above.
EUR 200,-
Frieda Strehlow, geb. Keyßer, Ehefrau von Carl Strehlow. As missionary couple they served in Hermannsburg, Central Australia from 1894-1922. Frieda, sister of the New Guinea missionary Christian Keysser was particularly concerned with care of aborigines, confronted with social and health problems, especially young mothers, thus disputing the prevailing official belief, that the aborigines were a dying race. She documented her activities in her diary. Frieda was honoured in the exhibition “ 95 Schätze- 95 Menschen” on the occasion of the Reformation Anniversary in Wittenberg 2017.
EUR 200,-
Martin und Ilse Börner, 1933-1970. Arriving in PNG in 1933 Martin Börner was in charge of supplying the early missionary advance into the Highlands with necessary equipment and household goods. He built the Malahang airstip for the Mission airplane “Papua”. After World War II the Börners became houseparents of Katherine -Lehmann-School in Wau. After his wife Ilse died, he was in charge of Gabmazung, an agricultural farm, set up to provide food for the students of Balob Teachers College. Here Börner pioneered the successful cultivation of paddy-rice.
EUR 250,-
Adolph von Hansemann (1826-1903). He was the director of he New Guinea Company and in 1886 allowed Johann Flierl to travel to New Guinea. He intensively supported the beginnings of the missionary activities of the Neuendettelsau Mission in New Guinea.
EUR 200,-
Gerhard und Bärbel Messner. Gerhard was finance director of ELC-PNG until 1973, later general manager of Namasu.
EUR 1.000,-
Leonhard und Ottilie Flierl. Missionary in Kâte area, from 1921 onward pioneer explorer into the highlands.
EUR 570,-
Bishop Dr. Wesley Kigasung - Bishop, first theological Doctor of Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea.
EUR 150,-
Sons of missionary families killed as soldiers in World War 2
Hermann Bamler, Walther Bamler, Paul Döbler, Ulrich Flierl, Oswald Flierl, Siegfried Flierl, Hans Langholf, Gerhard Langholf, Johannes Pfalzer, Otto Pfalzer, Karl Schuster, Friedrich Strehlow, Hermann Strehlow, Siegfried Wacke, Johannes Ziegler, Walther Zwanzger, Michael Zwanzger
EUR 250,-
Heinrich Fellmann, first German Methodist Missionary and Bibeltranslator of the Bismarck Archipelago.
EUR 300,-
Herbert und Annemarie Junker, Founding of Kol Station in 1958, Ogelbeng Seminary 1963-1969.
EUR 200,-
Dr.h.c. Christian Keyßer, Missionary, Teacher, Missiologist.
EUR 200,-
David Anam, Teacher and Church Artist.
EUR 200,-
Haringkec Bai, Pioneer Evangelist and Hymn Composer.
EUR 200,-
Martin Doblies, Coworker of Johann Flierl in Cooktown.
EUR 300,-
Dr. Willi Flierl, Country Expert and Bible Translator.
EUR 200,-
Martin and Imma Zimmermann, Raipinka.
EUR 200,-
Fritz and Jutta Bergmann, Finschhafen, Kaiapit.
EUR 200,-
Wilhelm and Hertha Fugmann, Finschhafen, Madang, Lae.
EUR 200,-
Bischof Sir Zurewec, first indigenous Bishop of the Lutheran Church.
EUR 250,-
Bishop Dr. Wesley Kigasung - Bishop, first theological Doctor of Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea.